Integrity...and the Hope and Change we can believe in?
The Obama administration rode to power on a wave of support coming from individuals across our nation with little to no knowledge of politics or how they work. He promised us a change in the Beltway Politics. Lobbyists would have no influence in his administration. Transparency would be the key to his success. Being the guy "who [doesn't] look like those other Presidents..." we figured he wouldn't partake in backroom dealings and make sure that all his i's were dotted and t's crossed. Or at least make sure someone could have sprung for an accountant.
Let's take just a short look at the diseases already plaguing Mr. Obama in regards to his Cabinet:
1. Governor Bill Richardson: Commerce Secretary - The governor of New Mexico was the first Obama appointee to crash and burn, and he managed to do it long before Inauguration Day. An ethics investigation into the awarding of a bid to a company by New Mexico that had given $100,000 to PAC's started by Richardson set off alarms, and the idea of Richardson being Commerce Secretary was quickly pushed under the rug. This "pay-for-play", the company managed to bank almost $1.5 million off its "advising" role in a state refinancing plan, scheme seems to be running amuck in the Democratic Party nowadays.
2. Timothy Geithner: Treasury Secretary - Geithner was the former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. During his Senate confirmation hearings, it was revealed that Geithner had failed to pay self-employment taxes while at the IMF. To the tune of $35,000. These claimed lapses in accounting occurred in 2001 and 2003. When did Mr. Geithner finally get around to paying? After he was approached by the Obama team for the potential Cabinet position. How is a man who can't even notice to pay his own taxes going to be responsible for the taxation of all Americans?
That's not all with Geithner, either. He also employed an illegal housekeeper. But that's ok, because we are in a new age - a new age where we look past actual laws, a new age where it's ok as long as it isn't done again. Unless, you're Average Joe. Then you've got some scrambling to do, either with your illegal gardener or your confusing W-2.
3. Nancy Killefer: Chief Performance Officer - Killefer, too, was in need of an accountant, or just a basic understanding of the law, when it came to taxes. Regarding hired help in her D.C. home, she had trouble filing a mere $900 in unemployment comp taxes. In a letter to President Obama obtained by Real Clear Politics Killefer stated:
I recognize that your agenda and the duties facing your Chief Performance Officer are urgent. I have also come to realize in the current environment that my personal tax issue... [are] exactly the kind of distraction and delay those duties must avoid.
She withdrew her name, quietly albeit, from the nomination, leaving Obama scrambling to fill this all-too-important position with someone who has integrity and honor (and maybe financial discipline as well).
4. Tom Daschle: Health and Human Services Secretary - Daschle, former Senator of South Dakota knew how to use his connections during his time as a regular citizen. Instead of taking the wonderful D.C. transit system around the District, he had the services of a chauffeured Cadillac that he thought was just a gift from a good friend, not a taxable income. How many of us could have used a free ride when gas prices were sky-rocketing? In all, Daschle owed the IRS nearly $150,000 in taxes that he had failed to report.
On top of his tax issues, since leaving the Senate, Daschle has raked in $5.2 million from organizations and donors, including $220,000 from health care groups he would be working above directly in his post.
Worried that he would smear the Obama administration, he withdraw his nomination on February 3rd. Just in time, huh?
As a bit of first post humor, here is how Daschle used to commute:
Daschle should've kept the Pontiac
Unfortunately, this is just the beginning. Obama is using his "I won" mantra as his proof that he knows the true way to American prosperity. With a blatant disregard for the feelings of the American people, he is jamming through this spending bill, pushing for Cabinet nominations that don't qualify, and believing that his election guarantees him unfaltering support. Obama is quick to forget the troubles that followed his predecessor.
The tide will turn, the bold will speak up, and those who voted for Obama will realize the error of their ways - or just continue to watch Judge Joe Brown everyday.

I'll outline some more cronies that Obama pledged to oust but seems to be including in my next post. As a preview: Hilda Solis, Leon Panetta, Eric Holder, and Holder's soon to be subordinate David Ogden.
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