The Elephant on the Wall

The Elephant on the Wall

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Leading by Example - Presidential Style

"No Earmarks!"
"No Signing Statements!"
"No Lobbyists!"
"No Back-room Politics as usual!"
"Spending Cuts and No Tax Increases!"

While a majority of our nation was swept up in the "shock and awe" of Obama's campaigning, most of his supporter's have been swept under the rug when it comes to the actualization of his campaign promises. For those who have never been behind Obama's ideas or visions, we have been completely thrown under the bus. It seems that 95% of Americans will not see their taxes "not rise." 100% of Americans will see some of their inalienable rights alienated. And politics are no longer "as usual," but are regressing further and further.

Obama has outright lied to the American people. He promised to veto any legislation that came to his desk with earmarks. Yet this past week he passed the $410 billion bill to continue government funding for the rest of the fiscal year. And the bill was laden with 4,000 earmarks. His excuse: we have no choice. Great example for the youth of America - say one thing and do another, and place the blame on someone else. Remember, we're in the financial crisis not because of Obama, but because President Bush drug us here.

In his attempt to take focus off of his administrations failures so far (multiple appointments crashing and buring in regards to taxes; inability to avoid lobbyists or earmarks; increasing troop numbers in foreign conflicts and extending his own proscribed deadline for bringing troops out of Iraq) the administration has used its mainstream media (MSM) cult following to shine the camera on voices of opposition. Labeling Rush Limbaugh as the head of the GOP, questioning how Sean Hannity can fuel the fire of Republican opposition, claiming the Republicans in the House of Representatives are the "Party of No," and using Robert Gibbs to belittle dissenters of the administrations economic plans, i.e. Cramer and Santelli. When will he stop being so PARTISAN. Making other people look evil does not make them evil, it makes you the bad guy.

50+ days in and the country is in much worse shape than it was at any point of the Bush Administration. But Obama continues to refuse to "let the buck stop here."


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