The Elephant on the Wall

The Elephant on the Wall

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

1984, meet Atlas Shrugged

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to

When we thought it couldn't get worse, it actually does. Yesterday morning, a blog post on the official blog of the President,, called for individuals to report any 'disinfomration' that they hear or receive regarding Obamacare.

And I'm not even making this up.

Under the title of "Facts are Stubborn Things," the author asks private citizens to send their reports to The White House wants you to report me for making 'fishy' statements. Who cares if the information that you've heard or read has been based solely off of the words in the health care legislation.

If members of Congress aren't required to read the bills and don't have to know what they contain, why can't we citizens talk about it in order to educate the masses? And what will the Obama administration do if someone is telling 'lies' about this Obamacare? Will they pull out the strong-arm tactics of Chicago politics? Pull us into alleyways as we walk to work and help us 'see the light?' Audit bloggers and prominent conservatives ad nauseum? Send letters of reprimand? Shut down our websites?

They have already begun to propose plans to tax the wealthy and and successful into oblivion. They will destroy industries with environmental regulations and taxes. They will slaughter the dwindling American job market because of corporate taxes. And now they want to turn American citizens against one another.

Its not enough that this President wants us to be as poor as the African nations his heritage comes from, but he wants us to be fighting, looting, and raping each other just as they do as well.

This is unacceptable. This must end. He must stop. They must be defeated. The United States cannot take tyranny in its Capital. Obama might as well break in (but I guess he has the keys, right?) to the National Archives and burn every copy we have of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

To think, the left went nuts when the Patriot Act 'read' their e-mails. Now you might be sent to the gulags for writing an e-mail. What is happening to this country.

This is what I believe. Report me. I dare you.


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