A Growing Disconnect
It seems like every generation finds itself on the edge of an unstoppable threat to civilization, but with no offense towards the "Greatest Generation" of World War II, or those who survived the constant worry of the Cold War, we are now truly in a time of desperation, and it has nothing to do with military campaigns or standing armies.
It comes from a lack of care and understanding from the American people regarding the actions of Congress and the Executive Branch of the federal government, or even the Judiciary for that matter. We are in uncertain waters, my friends.
There is no public outrage at the lengths President Obama is going to to avoid the Constitutionally guaranteed checks and balances system by appointing self-titled "czars" to be the White House over-seers of everything from...well you know what, I'll just list all of them to illustrate the ridiculousness:
1. Afghanistan Czar (Richard Holbrooke)
2. AIDS Czar (Jeffrey Crowley)
3. Border Czar (Alan Bersin)
4. California Water Czar (David Hayes)
5. Car Czar (Ed Montgomery)
6. Climate Czar (Todd Stern)
7. Domestic Violence Czar (Lynn Rosenthal)
8. Drug Czar (Gil Kerlikowske)
9. Economic Czar (Paul Volcker)
10. Energy Czar (Carol Browner)
11. Faith-based Czar (Joshua DuBois)
12. Great Lakes Czar (Cameron Davis)
13. Green Jobs Czar (Van Jones)
14. Guantanamo Closure Czar (Danny Fried)
15. Health Czar (Nancy-Ann DeParle)
16. Information Czar (Vivek Kundra)
17. Intelligence Czar (Dennis Blair)
18. Mideast Peace Czar (George Mitchell)
19. Mideast Policy Czar (Dennis Ross)
20. Pay Czar (Kenneth Feinberg)
21. Regulatory Czar (Cass Sunstein)
22. Science Czar (John Holdren)
23. Stimulus Accountability Czar (Earl Devaney)
24. Sudan Czar (J. Scott Gration)
25. TARP Czar (Herb Allison)
26. TARP Oversight Czar (Elizabeth Warren)
27. Technology Czar (Aneesh Chopra)
28. Terrorism Czar (John Brennan)
29. Urban Affairs Czar (Adolfo Carrion, Jr.)
30. Weapons Czar (Ashton Carter)
31. Weapons of Mass Destruction Czar (Gary Samore)
Thanks to Taxpayers for Common Sense for the sizable list.
Besides the fact that all of these czars have salaries, and staffs, and research funds, and who knows how much more tax money being allocated to them, they are in no way responsible to the citizens of the United States. These individuals are appointed solely by the President and confirmed by no one. They answer only to the President and have no check on their abundance or influence.
Albeit, some of these positions are complete inventions by the Obama administration, past presidents had advisers in these roles, though they were assigned under Cabinet secretaries, who were approved by the Senate and whose offices were created at the behest of Congress. Even Senator Robert Byrd, who has been serving in the U.S. Senate longer than Barack Obama has been alive, no matter where he was born, is criticizing the President over his unconstitutional power grab with his appointment of these czars.
It's odd that only Fox News is mentioning this on TV, when even Senator Byrd is calling the President out on this.
Let me ask you, do you care?
Our representatives are getting out of touch with reality, and American citizens, too. Recently, the senator from California, Barbara Boxer was questioning a military officer during a committee hearing.
She asks BRIGADIER GENERAL Michael Walsh a question, and then interrupts him with this statement, "Could you say senator instead of Ma'am? It's just a thing, I worked so hard to get that title, so I'd appreciate it, thank you." Word for word, and if you don't believe me, click the link and watch the video. Who does she think she is? California, excuse me, but she represents you? I know at Berkley they would have no respect for this man, but an average citizen knowledgeable about the great deeds our military has done for us? Could you ever imagine saying that to a career military officer, no matter what your title?
I could go on and address anything that Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) says, but that's like stealing candy from a baby, but this next video clip shows not only the ineptitude of members of Congress, but their complete lack of respect for their constituents.
A major complaint regarding the stimulus package, cap & trade, and now the Obama-care fiasco is that Congress is not giving anyone, anywhere time to read the bills before they decide to vote on them and pass on years of debt to our nation. Here, Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee is addressing the National Press Club, and let's everyone know what he thinks about reading very important legislation.
We must get away from this reliance on government and blind trust we put in to it. This government is created of us, by us and for us, and we need to stop accepting mediocrity from our representatives. We need and must demand only the utmost from our officials, and if they can't come to the plate for us, we must show them the door.
This is what I believe.
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