'Til Death Do Us Part
It is funny, the fact that Congress is spending all of this money, but no one, anywhere seems to be making any of it. Once Obama signs his name to the paper, the trail goes cold, but our debt gets higher. And the recession goes on.
Today we learned that a completely useless program, Cash for Clunkers, was bleeding money somewhere and that the $1 billion Congress approved for the program has quickly disappeared. It's strange considering that most dealerships that have participated in the program have still not been reimbursed the $3,500 to $4,500 per vehicle like the government promised. How is the program out of money without even paying out like it should be? So what do the Democrats decide to do? Appropriate $2 billion more of our money so that the program can continue to do nothing but leave dealerships in a bind. Seems like that $3 billion could have been very helpful for the woeful 45 million people who are suffering every single day because they won't purchase health insurance.
Who are these decision makers? What in the world is going on? Who has their slimy hands on the reigns of this nation? We can't truly expect this type of government leadership to inspire progress and success for this nation in this century, can we? With the Treasury Department selling bonds like hotcakes to China and printing new currency like there's no tomorrow, we have a grim and frightening future ahead of us - a ballooning inflation rate unseen since the Confederacy in the War Between the States, or the debt being called Beijing, or worse, both. And we still have one year and five months before Republicans can take back the House and the Senate.
Look at what has been done so far with their Congress and their President. What we can't sustain is this continued stance of ignoring the major issues of fiscal responsibility and national security, while claiming to be benefiting the future. The only future the Democrats are leaving us is to have the Republicans trying to fix our present with very few tools that will be left to them.
The odds are getting slimmer on Obama's bid for re-election, and many Congressional Democrats seem to see their own fates going down the drain, so it seems as if their actions are being taken from the advice in Tim McGraw's "Live Like You Were Dying" and spending while their lying. They know their only hope is to create enough entitlement voters, and they will spend every last dollar that we don't have to get them to the polls.
With their poll numbers still in the cellar and Obama's headed that way, Democrats seem to be shrinking into their shell and cutting themselves off from their constituents and any form of responsibility. No better example than from Representative Tim Bishop (D-NY) who said "There is no point in meeting with my constituents and [to] listen to them..." because on several occasions now he has encountered organized protests by citizens upset at his voting record in Washington. If he is to be considered the voice of his district, he needs to be able to backup his positions and explain himself fully to his voters. Since when is asking for reliability not a good thing?
So, while the Democrats are aiming at crediting another $2 billion in to a lousy, defunct program, which by the way is encouraging negative growth of the economy (smaller cars equals less gas purchased; smaller cars mean fewer long trips, fewer long trips mean fewer stops at roadside motels, dwindling sales in resort towns, less summertime industry, or winter depending on the area, that supports towns and communities for the rest of the year, which in all equals fewer jobs for those wanting them) and encouraging people to buy smaller and more dangerous vehicles we can kiss any hope of this recession ending anytime in the near future goodbye. This administration can't keep its thoughts and ideas straight anymore, and it has nothing to do with Joe Biden. Earlier this month, the economy and its health had been misjudged and that things were actually worse than we thought, but now today, because the GDP only shrank by 1%, Obama is "guardedly optimistic" that his stimulus program is working. He can't have it both ways, but he is a master at doublespeak.
The current trend of proposing and engaging in negative capitalist policies are only extending unemployment and bankrupting more businesses and state governments. Too bad our federal government can't go bankrupt.
Change is on the horizon, its coming, just like the taste of rain on the wind before the storm. Let us wait, let us hold out. We will prevail. This is what I believe.
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